For all the Employers and Job Seekers out there – The European Software Institute – Center Eastern Europe (ESI CEE) is partnering with Proxor – a Carnegie Mellon University Spinoff to provide Authentic Examination™ to European developers, recruiters, and educators. The resulting Proxor Rating, is the only globally-recognized rating that accurately reflects a developer’s readiness to program in the workplace.
Why Proxor Authentic Examination™?
An authentic examination is a specialized form of performance-based assessment. It is the only method that accurately measures the test-takers’ ability to program realistic problems in a professional programming environment. The examinee is put in the role of a professional software developer and has an opportunity to demonstrate skills by building solutions to tasks defined in the context of real software projects.
Proxor Authentic Examination™ is exclusively focused on testing professional software developers and job seekers by giving you a real software system and professional tools, putting you in the role of a professional developer. It is the only method that accurately measures the test-takers’ ability to program realistic problems in a professional programming environment.
We deliver authentic examinations to enable the world’s leading software development companies to confidently hire and retain software developers.
The Authentic Examinations™ are developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). The developed testing methodology is a commercialized version of a testing technique developed by Proxor founders and used over past 30 years at CMU. Current web-deployment technology enables for high-fidelity testing to be deployed at competitive prices.
More information about the Science Behind The Methodology here.
This is our original Authentic Examination™, developed in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University. The SDE requires examinees to design, write, compile, debug, test and check-in (submit) software in the context of an existing project.
The Proxor SDE-C Exam is a general test of the ability to develop software in the C programming language. The exam consists of 4 programming tasks, covering over 20 various skills.
This Authentic Examination™ was developed in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University and focuses on entry-level software development skills. It has been pilot tested with more than 1,200 job seekers. Today, this exam remains proprietary to one of the world’s largest employers of software developers. However, we anticipate making this examination broadly available.
Dare to take the challenge? For more information about the exams and how to prepare for them, you can visit the official Proxor website, contact ivo (at) esicenter (dot) bg or hristina (at) esicenter (dot) bg.